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Kari Johnson founded Karing Consulting to improve patient access to high-quality care and minimize barriers limiting professionals from meeting patient needs. 


As people live longer and modern medicine improves, it is common for individuals to have several coexisting conditions requiring numerous medical specialties, more medications, and increased complexity in care coordination. Patients and families often do not know how to access the appropriate services or coordinate the received services. This can adversely impact health stabilization, leading to a breakdown in care, hospital admission or readmission, and deterioration of quality of life. 


Healthcare professionals encounter numerous challenges in delivering high-quality care and services to their intended standards, which affects their perception of patient care and themselves. The most common hurdles include understaffing and high turnover rates, inadequate support and inconsistent training, and process inefficiencies. Addressing the needs of patients and professionals on both ends of service delivery is crucial for making real change. Therefore, Karing Consulting believes that patient advocacy, educating both patients and professionals, developing programs, and promoting interdisciplinary cohesion is the way forward.


Our services are designed to accommodate all patients and professionals' unique needs, including those related to gender identity, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, and race. We take a flexible, creative, and informed approach to maximize our reach and effectiveness while avoiding a one-size-fits-all practice pattern.


Karing Consulting is committed to adapting to the evolving needs of our clients and professionals, as well as the ever-changing healthcare landscape. Our ultimate objective is to promote transparency and inspire leaders and stakeholders to invest in bridging service gaps, providing fair and high-quality care for all, and supporting those who provide care.

Meet Kari...

In 2002 I moved to Southeast London as a newly graduated Social Worker right off a plane from South Dakota. On my first day in hospital, my first patient's son asked how long I had been a Social Worker. I had just been guided to the bedside by a kind nurse who, without doubt, also sensed I was as new as they come. My moral dilemma was lying to the first clients of my career or telling the truth and risking getting invited to leave. I went with the truth and reported that I had been a Social Worker for about 10 minutes, the amount of time since I walked in the door, wherever that was. I quickly followed this confession with more truth, assuring them I would find the person with the answers if I did not have them. Leaving the ward with navigational assistance, I had answered 2 of their questions and left with 19 more, but I called that family with every resource and answer I found. Their needs were met, and I believe this young creature with a type of American accent they'd never heard before quite entertained them! I then wandered onto the next ward with the intention of being honest, resourceful, and dedicated. My intent with Karing Consulting is to meet individual and broader community needs utilizing the same principles I did in those first 10 minutes.      

Successful hospital to home discharge. Care and rehab titrated down until independence was achieved.

London, 2003 

 I do not have all the answers, but I will find them!

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